We ship worldwide for FREE.
Your order will be shipped from us within 1-2 business days, during sales and other promotions please be advised that it can take a few more days.
Shipping times:
USA: 5-9 days
Europe: 7-10 days
Asia: 7-10 days
Oceana: 8-12 days
These delivery are estimates based on previous orders and your order can sometimes take a few days extra to arrive.
If your order has taken longer than expected to arrive then please contact us at info@afieldstudios.com and we will assist you further.
You can return your order for 14 days from the date of arrival for a refund, store credit or exchange, no questions asked.
To be eligible for a return your items must be unworn and in its original packaging. The customer is responsible for return shipping costs.
To make a return please contact us at info@afieldstudios.com